Youth rules in Circle City Church’s Race for Africa charity event

ISL Editor
CARMEL, Ind. — A future generation of leaders led the pack at Circle City Church’s fourth annual Race for Africa.
The 4K race’s three youngest participants, all members of the church, were also the fastest. Patrick Polk won in 15 minutes, 16 seconds. Mitchell Polk was second and Jonas Chimbanda was third in the event held Saturday morning at Clay Middle School in Carmel.
None of the top three finishers have yet reached high school.

Arlindo Chimbanda, who tried valiantly to hold it down for the veterans, finished fourth, 11 seconds behind his son. Ryan Polk, Patrick and Mitchell’s father, was injured and chose to provide much-needed volunteer help. It was probably for the best — he wouldn’t have caught his boys anyway.
Yes, the passing of the torch was a beautiful thing to watch, though it spawned fun talk of the future creation of age groups, head starts for the more experienced among us and obstacle course requirements only for those under the age of 18.
The Race for Africa debuted four years ago when co-Sports Ministry leader Craig Dragash and I decided that a charity running/walking event would be a good way to support Matt and Andrea Miller’s mission work. Matt’s parents, Bruce and Mona Miller, attend Circle City Church, and though Matt and Andrea attend Homewood Church of Christ in Birmingham, Ala., we wholeheartedly support their work. You can learn a little more about the Millers and their mission work here. Their family blog is here.
There also is a 1-mile family walk, and that has offered opportunities for kids to walk around the track, watch their moms and dads walk or run and to fellowship. This year’s event was different because it showed us that those young kids who used to just hang around the track are coming of age.
Three things stood out as I observed these young men.
First, there are a million things teens and pre-teens could be doing on a Saturday morning, especially those who actually compete on real cross country teams. Perhaps they were prodded by their dutiful parents (all four participated or volunteered). Still, they seemed genuinely glad to be there, and even offered pointers on how to make next year’s race better. That kind of confidence that will help them as they grow.
Second, they were flat out fast. The Indianapolis area might be lucky Circle City doesn’t have a school, or middle school events against these guys might be rough sledding.

Third, they epitomized what the event was about. They got it. They understood that it wasn’t just about running. It was about giving up time and sacrificing to help people in need.
Many other young people walked and ran, more than any other year. Their participation made this year’s race extra special. Turnout was solid, and the weather cooperated after a Friday night storm put the race in doubt.
Katie Chimbanda was the fastest woman for the third time in four years, finishing in 25:13.
The most inspirational award goes to my wife, Christina Brunt. She is battling thyroid cancer, and instead of taking it easy, she participated. It was her second event of the month. Her decision to not only participate, but do the longer event rather than the one-mile walk on the track, set a wonderful example for our children and shows the kind of toughness she’ll need going forward.
Anyways, thank you to anyone who participated, donated and/or bought T-shirts.
A photo slideshow and standings for the 4K participants are below.
Circle City Church
4th annual Race for Africa
Clay Middle School
Sept. 22, 2012
1. Patrick Polk, 15:16
2. Mitchell Polk, 17:07
3. Jonas Chimbanda, 17:19
4. Arlindo Chimbanda, 17:30
5. Roman Zarate, 18:40
6. Keith Lowe, 21:22
7. Jaden Berggoetz, 28:46
8. Caleb Gekeler, 35:07
9. Russell Swisher, 37:54
1. Katie Chimbanda, 25:13
2. Marli Berggoetz, 28:02
3. Lucy Shirley, 28:16
4. Marla Berggoetz, 30:56
5. Lily Berggoetz, 30:57
6. Emily Stout, 35:06
7. Renee Stout, 35:10
8. Bonnie Mace, 37:20
9. Riley Swisher, 38:32
10. Jennifer Starns, 43:52
11. Christina Brunt, 44:06
Angela Polk
Kristen Daye
Joshua Starns
Lots of kids